
Made For you

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Discover the world of flags in an accessible app designed for everyone.

  • See yourself grow as you level up in the Progress section
  • Explore your personal results for regions, countries, and in game performance
  • Level up fast with streaks mode
  • Review and learn in practise mode
  • See what may come with random mode
  • Show your best with timed modes for an extra challenge
  • Over 240 flags from 6 distinct geographical regions
  • You can focus on one region at time, a few, or explore all the flags of the world.
  • Automatically transitions through the game questions, with a configurable pause.
  • Pick your own theme color for the accented colors
  • Descriptions of every flag for VoiceOver users
  • Shortcut keys for external input device users.
  • Quickly and easily hide the Level Progress, Data Explorer and timed modes for a fun and streamlined experience.
  • Designed and tested with larger text sizes
    • Users of extended large text will get the best experience on devices with a larger screen such as an iPad
  • Optional haptic feedback for game play